International Education
At Orange Dream, we specialize in connecting universities in the United States with institutions in mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and beyond. Our mission is to explore various possibilities for cooperation and partnership. If your esteemed institution is interested in collaborating with universities from Asian countries or engaging in cross-cultural exchanges, we are here to assist you.
Key Services
1. Facilitating joint education programs, such as 2+2 and 4+0 models, where students can earn dual degrees by studying at two campuses. 2. Providing student recruitment agent services in mainland China. 3. Organizing short-term study tours in the United States for students and professional groups from China, including college teachers, engineers from the high-tech industry, and skilled technicians. These tours typically last from two weeks to two months. We are actively seeking American universities that can offer courses and services for these groups. 4. Supporting Asian market expansion and collaboration projects tailored to your institution's needs. Assisting universities in exploring potential partnerships in the U.S.
Partners outside China
We are currently working with several institutions, including UM, USM, UPM, UTM, UCSI, Taylors, The One Academy, APU, SEGI, UOW KDU, HELP, IMU, MMU, UTAR, and Lim Kok Wing in Malaysia, and Raffles and SMUS in Singapore.